Erectile Dysfunction (ED)
We offer 2 Types of ED Treatment...
1) Oral Medical for Erectile Dysfunction:
Our oral prescription approach involves utilizing drugs that encourage increased blood flow into the penis, encouraging the smooth muscle mechanism which generates anerection. Most men will respond very positively to the oral route, however, some men do not tolerate the prescriptions comfortably and some men suffer from a more severe condition and require additional intervention to ensure they can achieve complete satisfaction with their sexual function when it is desired.
Oral medications often start with a trial of a prescription such as Viagra, Levitra, or Cialis. These drugs cause the blood vessels supplying the penis to dilate (open wider), increasing the amount of blood flowing into the penis. Between 40 percent and 85 percent of patients will experience better sexual performance if they take the medication 45 to 60 minutes before sex. Some men do experience side effects, however. Common side effects include headache; nasal stuffiness; a blue-green tint to their vision; and flushing.
2) PT-141 For Erectile Dysfunction
PT-141 is a peptide that was originally created to resolve female sexual dysfunction by stimulating the melancortin receptiors in the brain. This peptide works to stimulate the sexual arousal for both men and women, and it is known to have other positive benefits such as boosted energy and a natural tan.
Some of the Benefits Reported by
Our Very Own Patients Include
- No surgery required
- Drug-free ED Solution
- No serious side effects
- Long term effects and satisfaction
- Works as a stand-alone treatment or in combination with other male impotence treatments
- By increasing blood flow to the penis and widening the blood vessels, men are better able to get and maintain a stronger erection